There are many things you should be doing to plan for your career:
1) First things first you should list all the careers that you would like.
2) After that think of your top skills and what interests you the most. *this will help you choose your career*.
3) Compare all your careers and see which one is most interesting to you.
4) After you have chosen your career choice. (Think ahead of time) you should see what you need to do for it. Look at the demands for that field.
5) *something I learned this year is SMART goal*. Set SMART goals for yourself. "SMART" stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely. This will help you put down steps for your future. (search up SMART goals for more reference)
6) With the SMART goals write down your steps that you will need to achieve your goals. These steps will help you get to your future career.
hey, don't have grid paper.
but, all you gotta do is make a table for both equations with
x -1 0 1
y -3 0 3
and same goes for the equation
Any other numbers I mean like what you mean
a 10th of a second delay between hearing the bell and noting the position of the pendulum (and vice versa)
Using a pendulum that hit a bell upon reaching its outer limits, Wundt demonstrated a 10th of a second delay between hearing the bell and noting the position of the pendulum (and vice versa), and it was during that very brief period that a mental process occurred.
The concept was that DNA is what causes bacterial transformation. Before, people thought the genetic material of bacteria was carried through proteins.