The writer and the poet who uses the framed narrative form were Dante Alighieri, Geoffrey Chaucer, and Giovanni Boccaccio. A framed narrative form is a frame story that serves as a companion piece to a story inside the story whereby the main narrative is presented. It is technically used to contain an embedded narrative. It usually found in the beginning, middle or end of the story.
Phaethon, (Greek: “Shining” or “Radiant”) in Greek mythology, the son of Helios, the sun god, and a woman or nymph variously identified as Clymene, Prote, or Rhode.
Get up, wake (him) up, go off, turned (it) off, went back, come on, show up, put up with, give up, came across, found out, checking out, made up, look for, going over, come up with, called (him) up, called her back ,talk about, counting on
Hope this helps :)
Message me and i will send you a old story i have