Hi Fatimah,
Its so good to hear from you. I'm doing good. How about you? The jewelry your making sounds so cool. I recently started a new hobby of gardening, it is so peaceful working outside with the plants. I'm growing a lot of things like tomatoes and watermelon and peppers. Its crazy how fast the plants grow every morning when I wake up I can pick fresh veggies for my morning omelette. I hope your doing well, Talk to you soon, -Aziz
"the strongbox is still safely hidden beneath a hollow stair. They’re alive, and the house is still standing. "
"when Mattie hangs Grandfather’s sword, there’s a sense that his role as protector of the house is being transferred to her."
Maybe a dark alley or the woods maybe even an old house.
The energy is being transferred from his arms to the ball since the ball gets into motion while his arms go into a calm position.
When using power point slides in a speech, you should Instead of writing complete sentences for your bullet points, utilize brief phrases to highlight the points you want to convey in your speech. and Visual aids must be precise, clear, and of the highest caliber.
Because Use less words. As a general rule, limit your bullet points to 5 each slide and no more than 4-5 words per. Instead of writing complete sentences for your bullet points, utilize brief phrases to highlight the points you want to convey in your speech. During the body of your informative speech, provide supporting arguments.
Use PowerPoint features to support your arguments; do not, however, read directly from the slides. Use PowerPoint transitions and animations with caution since too much animation can easily sway your audience. Visual aids must be precise, clear, and of the highest caliber. Use visual aids to emphasize your arguments so that the audience can focus on you rather than having to read and listen at the same time.
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