An Overview
Each player is dealt two private cards ("Hole Cards" or "Pocket Cards"), after which there is a betting round. Then three community cards are dealt face up (the "Flop"), followed by a second betting round. A fourth community card is dealt face up (the "Turn"), followed by a third betting round. A fifth community card is dealt face up (the "River")and the the fourth and final betting round. At the Showdown, each player plays the best five-card hand they can make using any five cards from the two pocket cards and the five community cards (or Board Cards).
Supplies Needed
1) Standard 52 Card Deck (NO JOKERS) $3
2) Monetary Equivalent (usually POKER CHIPS) $5 and up
3) 1 - 10 willing Humans (5 or more preferably) $Priceless
4) "DEALER" Button (or equivalent) >$1
5) 1 Table (Large enough to accommodate said "Humans". DO NOT USE A MIRROR TABLETOP!) $<nothing witty to say>
Optional Supplies
2nd Deck of cards (1 Red & 1 Blue) $3
"Poker Table Top" (adds a "casino" feel) $20 and up
Good Luck Charm