Geothermal energy dosnt require burning coal or other pulltion causing things, you just have to dig a really deep hole until you reach a hot bit and then use that heat to power a steam engine
In the context of the Declaration<span> of </span>Independence<span>, </span>happiness<span> was about ... Life, Liberty and the </span>pursuit<span> of </span>Happiness did<span> not </span>mean you have<span> the ... </span>Jefferson<span> once </span>said<span>: Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to </span>have<span> for lunch. ... The Constitution only gives </span>people<span> the </span>right<span> to </span>pursue happiness<span>.</span>
he was that one dude who got jumped and stabbed a bunch of times.
One reason for the development of amn early civilization in the Tigris-Euphrates river valley was that.<span>periodic flooding </span>left<span> rich soil, which was ideal for farming.</span><span> </span>