Mercator projection
Using a flat paper map to represent the sphere that is our planet has always been a challenge. The Mercator projection is one of the most common representation, although we know it is more accurate around the Equator line and the precision diminishes as you get closer to the poles.
There are other types of projections, correcting some issues, but with their own flaws too. The only accurate representation of the planet is a globe, since it matches the shape of the planet.
Bosa. Known as one of Italy's most picturesque villages, Bosa is set with its multicolored houses along the mouth of the river Temo, which divides it into two with its soft contours. Bosa is a fabulous village where history and modernity come together generating curiosity and fascination.
Para que ningún acto o actividad que se lleve a cabo mientras el tratado se halle en vigencia constituirá fundamento para hacer valer, apoyar o negar una reclamación de soberanía territorial en la Antártida, ni para crear derechos de soberanía en esa región.
3 metamorphic, ignious and sedimentary