The most likely reason is loneliness is the primary reason that dogs do bark at night because are very social (just like humans) they often feel lonely when left.
Adult Learning and Teaching (degree program) ALT. Assistant Language Teacher. ALT. Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty.
At first it began feeling intense, but as Trinius looked at the man on the cross the story felt calm the expression the person felt on the cross the story brought calm and strength. The man had no hate though everyone around him and either anger, sadness, but not the man he had no hate he was calm though in pain. The mood here has many expressions either in the background the character Trinius or the man on the cross.
Hopefully this is good for you :)
You're Spanish, aren't you? i think that would be correct because a semicolon is for when there are 2 complete ideas in a sentence.