I don't understand what your trying to ask ?
1. Kebijakan larangan pembatasan ekspor dan impor adalah kebijakan dimana pemerintah tidak melakukan diskriminasi terhadap ekspor maupun impor.
2. Kebijakan Tarif Perdagangan dan Bea Cukai adalah kebijakan dimana pemerintah memberikan beban atau dana kepada barang ekspor maupun impor.
3. Kebijakan Impor dalam Negeri adalah kebijakan pemerintah untuk melindungi impor yang masuk dari luar negeri.
Perdagangan Internasional adalah kegiatan transaksi atau tukar-menukar barang dan jasa yang dilakukan antarnegara.
Hello. This question is about "Inside Out & Back Again"
Ha wishes that her father can go to school with her and wants to make her mother happy.
In stanza 8 we learn that Ha has a strong desire for his father to return home well and safe. Throughout history, we realize the reasons that created this desire in her. First of all, she knows that if her father returns home safe and healthy, her mother will be happy and she really wants this to happen because her mother is always very worried. In addition, she wants to show off her father to schoolmates and show how admirable he is, if he comes home, he can go to school with her.
Simple, click on your profile picture and there is an option that says "Log Out".