I believe that it was A, they were unprepared and disease rampaged throughout the settlement killing more then the natives or anything else could ever do. Please Mark As Brainliest
three German people wanted a strong leader to end economic woes.
the germans economy had to deal with the unconditional surender of WWI everyone was poor, hungry, and depresed as a nation. Hitler gave people confindence and sence of worth. bribeing and manipulating people with good such as a bicycle or good food. do this mean thing and you will get rewarded not only do you feel good about your self but you are getting comended for it. this especially influenced youngsters who wanted more out of life and wanted to feel important. which started youth groups and kids reporting their parents to the goverment and even having them executed. so yes they wanted a leader who would make them feel better but he did, in a sadistic sick way.
b) The amount of federal grant money going to states has steadily increased since the 1960s.
Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany, burrowed away in a refurbished air-raid shelter, consumes a cyanide capsule, then shots himself with a pistol, on April 30, 1945, as his “1,000-year” Reich collapses above him
Adolfs wife/girlfriend also died, she died by poisoning