sorry don't know this one but hope you get it right
Cave art is shown to date back to around 40 thousand years ago. Evidence shows they were nor purely cosmetic/decorative. The earliest figurative paintings date back to the <span>Aurignacian period.</span>
French Classicism
When baroque aesthetics prevailed in Europe, a peculiar classicism was reborn in France, whose moment of splendor from 1654 to 1715 occurred in the reign of Louis XIV. The painter Charles Le Brun and the writer Nicolas Boileau, author of L'art poetique (1674), a very influential work, officially imposed this style.
In the reign of Louis XIV, the desire to glorify royalty - proper to monarchical absolutism - gave way to a majestic and imposing style. Its architectural paradigm was the palace of Versailles, reformed and enlarged successively by architects like Louis Le Vau and Jules Hardouin-Mansart.
In 1667, the construction of the Louvre façade began with the architect Claude Perrault, “La Colonnada” (1664 - 1668). The pure French classicism that will mark the entire period of regency of this king.
Los colores terciarios son el rojo violáceo, el rojo anaranjado, el amarillo anaranjado, el amarillo verdoso, el azul verdoso y el azul violáceo. Los colores terciarios, surgen de la combinación en diferente proporción de un color primario y otro secundario. Es así como podemos obtener infinidad de tonos de un mismo color.
The greatest achievement of hiberno-Saxon art in the eyes of almost all modern observers is the book of kells, the most elaborately decorated of the insular gospel books.