The motives, at their core, was to basically conquer the world.
Sir John Harrington invented the flushable toilet in 1596, however the idea of a toilet has existed for thousands of years in much more primitive forms.
Not sure but It only has a ¨title¨
To expose and reform corruption in politics.
Since 1892, Steffens worked for the New York Evening Post. He later turned into the distributer of McClure's Magazine, from where he co-built up an analytical style called muckraking, revealing corruption in the American culture, with a special accentuation in New York.
After 1910, Steffens'reporting on corruption bit by bit reduced. Rather, his attention was on the Mexican Revolution. He turned into a heartfelt supporter of the alleged rebels and concentrated increasingly more on the insurgency as the best way to escape capitalism.
Its either 1 2 4 or 3 thats what i think about this one