(2006) found that positive school climate was associated with students' academic achievement, after controlling for SES. Contrastingly, a negative school climate has been found to reduce student participation in school activities and student learning (Chen and Weikart, 2008).
this passage shows how the two teams are similar and how they are different from each other
both teams play in the same league
similar facilities
similar budgets
one team has coach who encourage traditional training methods
other team uses new techniques
The school letter has been excelling in academic work.
Dear friend,
Hey ( so and so) our high school has been excelling tremendously in our academic work. We have tutors and extra help at lunch in the library. We even have students from colleges come in and help us with any subject we need help in. They even tell us not to have late work because, in the end, we can have dances and pep rallies. This works because believe it or not ( so and so ) nobody has bad grades due to studying and no late work turned in. We're on top of our work and most of us are ahead of the class.
To learn more about academic work, refer to:
Solution: '...this bitterness was now mine' indicates that effect of racial prejudice are passed down from generation to generation.
The world around a person born into a disadvantaged family sets a conspiracy against him even before they are born and this is passed on to his children.