The translation is:
What do you do on Saturdays?
What do you wish to do?
What do you need to do?
Where are you going?
Where are you?
and out of those questions, you need to make a 10 sentence paragraph (no one can do it for you because it depends on what YOU do)
That is Correct even your spelling
1. hacer caso / atender
2. cariño
3. soltero
4. mentirosa
5. solo / sola
You must say the right word for each concept:
1. Pay attention to someone:
2. Affection that a person has for another whom they want:
3. unmarried man:
4. false woman who does not tell the truth:
5. Without company:
Significa que para ese tiempo el ser humano era considerado como el más importante, por decirlo en otras palabras como si fuesen el centro del universo y se tenían que resolver sus necesidades porque eran prioridades. Es como si se creyeran dioses