1. Te sugiero que vayas con ella al supermercado.
2. Él necesita que yo le preste dinero.
3. No queremos que tú hagas nada especial para nosotros.
4. Mis papás quieren que yo limpie mi cuarto.
Identifying the narrator and the time that a sentence indicates is the first step that must be taken. this is very important to be able to logically conjugate the verbs, and that these have concordance with what is being expressed
1.<u><em>Hace</em></u><em> casi dos semanas </em><u><em>que </em></u><em>mi carro ha estado haciendo un ruido extraño.</em>
<u><em>It's been </em></u><em>almost two weeks </em><u><em>since </em></u><em>my car has been making a strange noise.</em>
<em>2. Y yo compre el carro </em><u><em>hace</em></u><em> </em><em>un mes.</em>
<em> 2. And I bought the car </em><u><em>a </em></u><em>month </em><u><em>ago.</em></u>
3. Y en la Compania dijeron que <u><em>hace</em></u> 3 mese lo avía dejado por que el carro tuvo problemas delsystema
And at the company they said that 3<u><em> months ago</em></u> they still left because the car had problems with the system
<em>NOTE</em>: the bold and <u>underlined</u> word are the translation from the Spanish.
1- Yo uso la computadora 2 o 4 horas diarias
2- Los lavo almenos 3 veces a la semana
3- 1 vez a la semana
4- 2 veces al día
5- almenos 2 veces al día
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