A lot of people have claimed that they lost their full-established accounts after using LinkedIn automation tools. LinkedIn detected the activity and blocked their accounts.
But it’s not the tool that causes spam, it’s the approach you adopt while using these tools.
Many people think that LinkedIn automation tools(LinkedCamp) can generate leads magically over the night. They send thousands of connection requests and messages using automation and as a result, LinkedIn detects their activity. This is not how it works. You need a proper strategy to leverage the potential of these tools. Even the best LinkedIn automation tools cannot guarantee success if you try to overdo the activities.
import java.lang.Object
import java.lang.Math
public class RegularPolygon extends java.lang.Object{
public void randomize(RegularPolygon c){
int min = 10, max1 = 20;
double min1 = 5, max1 = 12;
double range = (max - min) + 1;
double range1 = (max1 -min1) + 1
int side = (Math.random() * range) + min;
double len = (Math.random() * range1) + min1;
c.setSideLength( len);
public static void main(String[] args) {
RegularPolygon r = new RegularPloygon();
The randomize method accepts a regular polygon class as its only parameter and assigns a random number of sides and the length of these sides with the 'Math.random' function.
Thank You So Much For The Points.
B. Decreases because if nobody needs certain goods and services, people who sell that will go out of business