None of these words are underlined.
Currently three electoral systems are used: parallel voting for House of Representatives and provincial assemblies, Single transferable vote for National If no specific provisions are made in this Act, the election of deputies of the Italian and Hungarian national communities shall be regulated by the provisions of this Act applying to the elections of other deputies.If no specific provisions are made in this Act, the election of deputies of the students. national communities shall be regulated by the provisions of this Act applying to the elections of other deputies.
Shakespeare's play "The Tempest" is considered as a "revenge tragedy". Revenge is a significant theme in the course of the play. Prospero's magic provides him with the power to take revenge against his brother Antonio and those who usurped his dukedom, situation which set his daughter Miranda and him on an island. However revengeful the play can be, in the end we witness forgiveness. The most suitable option for expressing a theme is C.
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