Les systèmes fluviaux et les plaines inondables du Brésil, du Pérou, de l'Équateur, de la Colombie et du Venezuela, dont les eaux se déversent dans la Solimões et ses affluents, sont appelés "la haute Amazonie
March equinox is day during the year when all the daylight of the sun is asme at sunrise and sunset.
- Equinox is the time when the plane of the earth passes through the centre of the sun. Occurring around 23 March and 23 Sept. The vernal equinox is also called as the spring equinox.
- The azimuth of the sun is the angle of the sun's position defined by the relative direction along the horizon. However the most commonly followed convection for analyzing the sun radiation is 90 degrees east, south 180 degrees and west is 270 degrees.
- As sunrise and sunset are defined by the upper limb of the solar disk. These conditions produce patterns of night and day as the sun appears to move just above the horizon at an angle of 0.39 degrees per day as the equinox passes.
Well its all due to Green house gasses produced through factories and automobiles, with the abundance of the world, driving, fly, and burning gas and oil on the whim we are playing a major role in this and unless a new technology that can surpass oil and natural gas we are slowly killing ourselves and the world.