look below didn't know if they should be positive tags or negative but I tired I guess
1. will he?
2. isn't there?
3. weren't they?
4. shall we?
5. isn't she?
6. is it?
7. were you?
8. aren't I?
9. does she?
10. would you?
11. didn't he?
12. will you?
13. don't you
14. should I?
15.cant you?
17. will he?
18. didn't they?
19. can't he?
20. had he?
21. dont they?
22. do you?
13. wasn't he?
14. wouldn't you?
15. do I?
16. dont I?
17. shall we?
18. wouldn't you?
19. will you?
20. aren't I?
22. dont we?
A parallel sentence mentions the same grammatical expression twice. I would go with "D". 'Passed' and 'Demonstrated' are both past tense words that express the same past tense grammatical idea.
If you have more questions, feel free to ask me.