You might be non binary or gender fluid from the sounds of it or maybe Demi gender if you said you mostly feel like a girl.
It would seem that some writing council has gotten together and decided that the ideal male character has chiseled arms, a broad chest, and is unafraid of anything. And, to add some diversity, you can have your skinny nerd dudes and theLook, I have two brothers and am a bit of a tomboy. I surf (or used to, before Lyme happened), meaning that I’ve spent a lot of time with guys, since there are more dude surfers than dudette surfers. So believe me when I tell you that many fictional male characters are not only stereotypical, but inaccurate. Not to mention annoying. Here are 8 points you may be getting wrong when it comes to writing male characters: your dark-haired flirts with smoldering eyes.
B :It is possible to rebuild after a disaster if many people participate in the effort.
"Creating fear in us" is a gerund verbal phrase. Option A is correct.
A gerund phrase always begin with a gerund,(an ing word), and may include other modifiers and/or objects. Gerund phrases always function as nouns, so they will be subjects, subject complements, or objects in the sentence. So, to put it simply, a gerund is a noun formed with a verb ending in ing. In this particular case the gerung in the sentence is the verb "creating;"(create+ing).
Your question is bit unclear.