dominoes, fans, PVC pipe, magnets, duct tape, marbles, cups or bowls, miniature toy cars, paper towel tubes, string.
dominó, abanicos, tubos de PVC, imanes, cinta adhesiva, canicas, tazas o cuencos, carros de juguete en miniatura, tubos de toallas de papel, cuerdas.
Some of the disadvantages of using layered protocols are the redundancy and overall lower performance.
Reimplementing everything from remote and wired to connectionless and association situated application correspondence, with each ringer and shriek of BGP, MPLS, multicast steering and so on would be a gigantic endeavor and potentially unmanageable in this solid across the board convention. I could envision specialty utilize situations where most extreme execution is imperative most importantly where an exceptionally basic framework might be wanted.
False, modern computers don't need to compile direct source code from users. There are DUIs (direct user interface) that allows the user to interact with a computer without coding.
Esto se denomina desplazamiento de acentoo. Se utiliza para crear un patrón o estilo
This is called an accent or offset. It is used to create a pattern or style.