It forms an adjective. Danger by itself is a noun, if you add the suffix -ous, it makes it an adjective (A dangerous man). The adverb would be if you added -ous + -ly, and make it - dangerously (He drives dangerously). There is no verb "danger" or using any of its derivatives, the only way to make a verb out of danger is to add a prefix -en, and make it - endanger.
See explanation for answer.
Is wealth more important than health?
Or are riches more important than stitches?
I don't know, you tell me, sometimes the most important people aren't super-wealthy, this whole social injustice issue can be solved, if all our minds evolve.
( Yes, this is my original work! I hope this helps! Have a lovely day! P. S. I'm not sure if this is entirely what you wanted so I'm sorry if I didn't get it right. )
The proper English plural form of octopus is octopuses