Ecological succession happens when new life takes over an environment. ... Primary succession begins in barren areas, such as on bare rock exposed by a retreating glacier. The first inhabitants are lichens or plants—those that can survive in such an environment
Ecological restoration aims to recreate, initiate, or accelerate the recovery of an ecosystem that has been disturbed. Disturbances are environmental changes that alter ecosystem structure and function. Common disturbances include logging, damming rivers, intense grazing, hurricanes, floods, and fire
Secondary succession is usually faster than primary succession because soil and nutrients are already present due to 'normalization' by previous pioneer species, and because roots, seeds and other biotic organisms may still be present within the substrate
Trachea is another name for windpipe, which is the tube that connects your larynx to your primary bronchi, just before your lungs. You can't breathe without your trachea.
I think it is extrusive but I am not completely sure
I think its because over the years since more individuals with high fur levels survived more harsh environment , animals have evolve high fur-level trait became more common in Population A over time, and the low fur-level trait became less common. The high fur-level trait was an more adaptive trait.