It was inhumane to americans, especially since the laws here say you can't drink alcohol at 18, but you can die in war at 18.
It was inhumane to Vietnamese, who to this day are still suffering the consequences of the war.
There were key differences between the two documents in the how they both confided the law. The article of confederation established a unicamy legislature. As opposed to the eventual bicameral system created by the constitution. The articles created a loose confederation of sovereign states in a week central government leaving most of the power with the state governments. The need for a stronger federal government soon became apparent and eventually led to the constitutional convention in 1787.
During war time most male citizens are employed (If the waring country uses conscription) which lowers the national unemployment rate. Factories for non essential items will start to switch into making products for war use which makes businesses boom and grows the national economy. Also employment rates rise again due to the factory workforce hiring women and men who cant fight in war to work in the factories. War-bonds fund the government aswell, because citizens buy them in a way to "loan" their government to support the war effort which raises their military budget. The development of new technologies can also lead to economical prosperity.
A great example of this is the United States during the Great Depression when unemployment rates were at a all time high. Once Japan declared war on the United States, unemployment rates were back to normal due to conscription being implemented for male citizens. The females also worked in the factories creating munitions and arms for the war effort.
I think the rules for the behaviour of the government official