From early times the Greeks lived in independent communities isolated from one another by the landscape. ... The mountains prevented large-scale farming and impelled the Greeks to look beyond their borders to new lands where fertile soil was more abundant.
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The correct answer is Inclusion
Inclusion is the set of means and actions that combat exclusion from the benefits of living in society, caused by differences in social class, education, age, disability, gender, social prejudice or racial prejudice. Social inclusion means offering equal opportunities for everyone to access goods and services.
The most important social bond element B.
a positive self-concept, tolerance for frustration, and an ability to set realistic goals
C. deviant norm and values may be learned from them
D. assumes that criminal tendencies are learned from close friends, not from the mass media
E. suggests delinquents are not constantly delinquent and instead move into and out of delinquency
F. argues that aggressive tendencies are learned rather than inborn
G. refers to the nature of the interaction and relationships within the family H. offers explanations that emphasize importance of parenting during childhood and adolescence on the likelihood of behavioral problems in young and older children alike
I. the most influential control theory J. Gottfredson and Hirschi argued that all crime stems from a lack of this
The most important social bond element assumes that criminal tendencies are learned from close friends, not from the mass media.This is a a result of association and peer pressure.