A Pascal program basically consists of the following parts :
Program name, uses command, type declarations, constant declarations, variables declarations, functions declarations, procedures declarations, main program block, statements and Expressions within each block, and comments
11000 is equivalent to 24 because if you look at a flippy do, the base is 2. so going from right-left, 2^0 is 1 for the first 0. second zero would be 2^1 which is 2. then the third zero is 4 (2^2). since they are zero’s, they are turned off, but the 1’s indicate that those bases are turned on. the first one going from right to left would then be 8 (2^3) and the last 1 going from right-left is 16 (2^4). so 16+8=24!
edit: didn’t mean to rate myself 1 star lol
Using e-mail to send messages is the best choice to convey urgent and highly sensitive information. E-mail is just a conversation between you and the recipient. So it is the best when it comes to when you are sending a highly sensitive information. While telephone fax letter and dispatch radio may need to use a mediator to transfer messages which violates the confidentiality of the information.
C# and Java
Compiler can be regarded as a program that helps in transforming a source code( source program) to another program knowns as machine code. Some of the programming languages that needs a compiler are C# and Java. The compiler will collect the the set of instructions of the new program that was written using high level language and translate it into machine language.