The second is the Industrial Revolution, and that involved the shift from farms to factories. ... Families were separated during the day, and children of the working class often had jobs in factories or coal mines (instead of going to school) because the family needed that income. Laws would later outlaw child labor.
They pushed for a war against Britain to restore national honor. They insisted that invading British-held Canada would deprive the Native Americans of their main source of arms and drive the British out of Native Americans. They also believed that the British would make naval acknowledgement to get Canada back from the Americans.
a work sheet has data stored in rows an columns
Your answer is C. You share risks with others.
If you had to choose a characterization of the social rebellion and
struggles for civil rights in the sixties and seventies in the US, one
option would be "peaceful," since although there were indeed some
violent protests, most of them were remarkably non-violent--as those
pursued by people like Martin Luther King Jr.