- The word arduous means "not easy to achieve."
- The word asunder means "separated" or "torn apart."
- The word bereft means "to lose something."
- The word clamorous means "noisy.
- The word doleful means "sad or unhappy."
- The word fiend means "demon" or "an evil or harmful person."
- The word loathsome means "repulsive" or "arousing dislike or hatred."
- The word succor means "support."
I'm doing the assignment myself right now. This is the correct answer they gave me.
The word 'any' is used to refer to one <em><u>OR </u></em>some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or many -- so, both Henrietta and Felecia are correct in that respect.
Henrietta: "Are there any students who have been sent to detention?"
Felecia: "Any coin I find on the ground is a coin worth picking up."
Conflict in a story
Conflict in a story is a struggle between opposing forces. ... Conflict in a story creates and drives the plot forward. External conflict refers to the obstacles a character faces in the external world. Internal conflict refers to a character's internal or emotional obstacles
D.the noise of the traffic made it impossible to hear what the two men were saying
because the traffic is important to all people
Did the wind ever blow out the candle?
How did the candle blow out? Did the wind blow it out?