well we need. blog to give you an answer. but from a college stand point a blog is not a credible source unless it list a quote from a credible source
<h3>Answer: 3: The doctrinal difference between the terms Kingdom of Heaven and Kingdom of ... "And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God ... what is Jesus saying to the Jews here BEFORE the cross and the resurrection</h3><h3>4: Ex nihilo is Latin for "out of nothing": when phrased as ex nihilo nihil fit, "nothing comes from nothing", it means that the universe was formed from eternal matter; as creatio ex nihilo, "creation out of nothing", it means that matter is not eternal but had to be created by ... Ex nihilo nihil fit means that nothing comes from nothing.</h3><h3>5 :As we begin studying the four Gospels of the New Testament, a discussion of the ... In this article, Dr. Patch discusses the meaning of the word gospel, why the term ... gospel includes the important doctrines of repentance, baptism, and the Holy ... Although Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John have much material in common</h3>
Answer: 1.Night-time.
2.A particular color.
3.Being underwater.
4.A person whose life you're curious about.
5.Your mother's perfume.
6.Falling asleep or waking up.
7.Growing older.
8.The feeling of getting lost in a book.
I would choose either c or d, but c seems more logical to me, given the author is stating the visitor's purpose through figurative language, I would assume they would have a more metaphorical purpose to their cause.