Starting in 1939, any nation fighting in World War II could purchase goods and arms in the United States under the "Lend-Lease" program or act.
Countries such as Britain, China, the Soviet Union, Brazil among others received weapons under this program.
According to the Neutrality Act the U.S can not receive any compensation for the arms. Instead, they covertly were present in the war and defend its own interests by giving arms and other goods to the countries they specifically chose.
Direct causality can be drawn between nationalism and war. Nationalist groups within a state who desire their own independent state, may conduct regular or irregular warfare in order to forcibly persuade a state to grant them independence.
The Great Depression (1929-1939) was the worst economic downturn in modern history. The preceding decade, known as the “Roaring Twenties,” was a time of relative affluence for many middle- and working-class families. As the economy boomed, new innovations allowed for more leisure time and the creation of a consumer society. But the economic depression that followed those boon years profoundly affected the daily life of American families, in ways large and small.
The Senate but Caesar didnt care.