First you need to find the common denominator. Think of a number that both 2 and 5 can go in to evenly. 10 is the best number, so, make both denominators 10. What you do to the bottom, you must do to the top.
Now your equation is 5/10-2/10
Your answer is 3/10
The divisibility rule for 8 is that the last three digits have to be divisible by 8.
The third digit of 5072_00(from the right) could be 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0, because 200, 400, 600, 800, and 0 are divisible by 8.
Pls give brainliest.
50.24 cm
Step-by-step explanation:
For the easier computation of a circle's circumference, pi's value is taken to be 3.14 (π = 3.14). Let's see a few examples below to polish the concept of the circumference. Find the circumference of the circle with a radius of 8 cm. = 50.24 cm.
Step-by-step explanation:
It has a consistent multiple-factor by which it increases (8).
3/5 + 2/5·1/3 = 11/15
1 - 11/15 = 4/15
4/15 are 4 Problems
1/15 are 1 Problem
15/15 are 15 Problems
15 Problems were assigned for the weekend.