it is the total number of people in a country,state,geographical area in a given period of time
It makes me think that he is a rule-follower, and a strict person himself
He doesn't break any rules and abides by his proper traditions
Joined together in a single nation
Answer: B Judging line sizes.
A Selecting paint colors.
B Judging line sizes.
C Rating new fashions.
D Taste-testing new candies.
E Assessing depth perception in toddlers.
Explanation: Solomon Asch carried out series of experiments meant to measure how social pressure determines conformity. The task was to judge line sizes, to choose the same line in a pair of cards. The answer was obvious as the other lines were not similar to the correct line.
Participants were mixed with non-participants planted by Asch but the participant is unaware of this and made to answer after them. The non-participants give incorrect answers and if the real participant also gives a wrong answer, it is because of the need to conform.