The telegram suggested that in the event that Germany and the US went to war, Mexico would regain "lost territories" in the southwest if it declared war on the US. The British intercepted the telegram and passed it on to the US, leading to an escalation of tensions between the US and Germany. It’s one of the main reasons why the US joined WW1
The Indus River empties into the Arabian Sea.
1. Palaeolithic people moved around a lot, depended on wild animals and plants for food, and did not have permanent homes.
2. They used primitive stone tools and their survival depended heavily on their environment and climate.
3. Palaeolithic humans discovered agriculture and animal husbandry, which allowed them to settle down in one area.
4. Palaeolithic humans lived a nomadic lifestyle in small groups.
hope this helps
Answer: diplomacy fortification and logistics
No explanation
Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her bodyguard due to golden temple dispute. her bodyguard was not happy with her decision to let army go in Golden temple