<span>See', 'be', and 'tree' all have the same rhyming sound, that long e, and so they fall under the A, because the long e sound is present first in the poem.
As for B, you make a word the B in a rhyme scheme when it completes the phrase when A did not. If the second line had ended with something with a long e as its final sound, then you would have not gone on to B, but kept A.
Since 'hear' does not rhyme with 'see', it is counted as B. The third and fourth lines go back to the long e sound we have denoted as A, and then the fifth line brings us back to B, because near rhymes with 'hear'.
Every stanza holds this rhyming scheme.</span>
Dear diary,
Today me and Jack did something really good of the community. As we all know this year has not been good for all of us in the town and nearby. Me and Jack performed a campaign to aware people about the use of water and to save it much as it can. The situation have been tough with the water cutting near to fifty percent and the indications of further decrease. It was a tough day to stand in the heat and interacting with all these people but the feeling after the hard work was really great. I think this day will come out to be a millstone in Jack and my friendship.
Statistics since it’ll show corroborative data
- When companies dump oil into oceans/rivers/lakes with innocent animals in them.-
- Failures of crops and farming-