<h2><u><em>Joe mamma Joe mamma Joe mamma</em></u></h2>
You most likely forgot the statements which we could use to judge whether they are true or not. However, in general the classical Greek cultural movement can be characterized by self-examination and philosophical speculation. One important consequence of this early Greek philosophical speculation was that they undermined conventional beliefs that could be held by people as well as the established traditions common at the time.
Commedia dell'arte, a traditional Italian form of physical comedy, uses masks and often they appear in Elizabethan and Restoration comedies, where a character might use one as disguise. In Greek theatre the actors all wore exaggerated masks to communicate character.
Stupas. A stūpa is a mound-like or hemispherical structure containing relics that is used as a place of meditation. A related architectural term is a chaitya, which is a prayer hall or temple containing a stupa. Hope that helps!!!