Answer: They pleaded in their favor the infancy of their business in this country, the scarcity of labor and capital, the hostile legislation of other countries toward them, the great necessity of their fabrics in the time of war, and the necessity of high duties to pay the debt incurred in our war for independence.
Buddhists value comparison for all beings and causing no harm to anyone. Sometimes we can cause harm to others out of carelessness or because we are confused about what will make us happy, so the Buddha created a list of 10 precepts to help us remember what sort of things are likely to obstruct us on the path of enlightenment. And what sort of things are likely to help us. They are : don't Kill don't steal don't engage in illicit sex divisively don't speak abusively. Don't tell lies don't engage and Idie chatter abandon I'll will abandon greed cultivate right views
What was unique about the type of warfare carried out during the Battle of Coral Sea? The fight was between aircraft carriers. ... How did the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor change the public's opinion about the war? The attack convinced Americans that force was necessary to stop Japan's aggression.
There were actually four HUGE causes for WW1, treaties and alliances brought many countries into war, the imperialism of some countries scared other countries, and they were "defending" themselves, there was a lot of weapons stocking, and countries were creating gigantic armies, and that threatened other countries, and then we have plain old nationalism.
The Sherman Antitrust act was created for that purpose, but it was also supported by the Clayton Antitrust Act which came later on. Roosevelt was known as "Teddy the Trust-Buster" for his strict enforcement of these acts.