"Modalización y modalidad son conceptos que se relacionan con la subjetividad en el lenguaje y con la expresividad. La modalización está siempre presente en la actividad discursiva, indicando la actitud del sujeto hablante con respecto a su interlocutor y a sus propios enunciados. Se diferencia de la modalidad como la acción se distingue de su resultado."
-Centro Virtual Cervantes
The cigar of the cow thief
It was Monteverdi he sure was a great composer
Unequal power relations refers to the difference in power between individuals that is caused by some of that individuals have access to more resources or influences compared to the rest of them.
Ways unequal power could spread HIV/AIDS :
- government not provide enough funding to educate citizens about the prevention.
AIDS/HIV can mostly be avoided by doing safe sex and not using shared needles. both could be easily taught to the mass.
- Government not provide enough funding for HIV/AIDS research
Which means medicines to prevent or cure aids haven't be available until the infection spread widely.
- Sexual Assault
People in high position can sexually assault people in lower position. This can spread the disease through non-consensual sex.