I'm not sure if i'm correct but i tried answering, thanks ms.sue for helping. what is the correct form of lequel to replace the
follow noun: le balcon - lesquels - lequel <--- - lesquelles - laquelle what is the correct form of lequel to replace the follow noun:le magasin - lesquelles - lesquels - lequel - laquelle <--- what is the correct form of lequel to replace the follow noun: les allergies - lesquels - laquelle - lesquelles - lequel <--
1. Le balcon: this is a masculine noun (le), and singular form (there is no -s to indicate the plural form), so you need a pronoun which is masculine and singular. The correct answer is lequel. 2. Le magasin: the same thing as with le balcon, the correct answer is lequel. 3. Les allergies: this is a masculine noun, and plural form (-s indicates that it is plural, singular would be allergie), which means that you need a pronoun which is masculine and plural. The correct answer is lesquels.
Ask them to sit down and to have a calm mind. Show them thsat you are responsible and state the facts. Keep in mind that it is hard convincing a parent you are responsible and that they always stop you from talking and state their point so when you're talking tell them to listen because you didn't come to them to have an argument.