B is the answer..... May it will be helpful to you
All of the above.
Charlotte Bronte's classic "Jane Eyre" revolves around the story of a young girl named Jane Eyre, an orphan who suffered a lot during her childhood but became independent and found love and happiness in the end. The whole story deals with the theme of love, suffering, life's struggles, and the eventual happiness that comes.
The opening chapters of the novel present a young Jane living with her Aunt Reed and her children who treated her nothing more than a servant (<em>"you are less than a servant, for you do nothing for your keep"</em>) or a hindrance. She was asked to address her cousin John Reed as <em>"Master Reed</em>", was punished for whatever claims they can find and get, and locked up whenever she showed any form of resistance. She also stated <em>"I was a discord in Gateshead Hall: I was like nobody there"</em>, showing how unpleasant it was for her to be there and live under their care.
I am worried that people now days are getting so familiar with God or at least their idea of God that they have lost the respect due, to God Almighty. They view him as little more then a good friend who will understand if they at times don't treat him as the creator of the universe. They have more of a horizontal view of God then a vertical view. This comes from the humanism which has infiltrated even the evangelical church. We have elevated ourselves, by promoting such things as the need for self-esteem in order to understand God's love for us. We no longer focus on his character but on ours. Or we bring him down to our level by teaching that there is a time and place for a person to forgive God for the things we have held against him. "It is no longer sin to hold something against God; it is normal and we should deal with it by letting it go and forgiving him."
Bellerophon used bow and arrows to kill Chimera !