Spain was a very Catholic state and Phillip II thought of himself a champion of Catholicism, so the Catholic Church played a major role in Spain's American empire. Church officials were royal advisors and the church also sent missionaries to convert natives to Catholicism and help regulate the activities of the settlers.
the invention of television
the return to isolationism
the rise of the middle class
Dthe expansion of civil rights
Well because people used it for culinary and some traded it for gold.
Both wars involved the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, using "proxy wars" to impact the spread of communism.
Many government officials felt that Native Americans should be assimilated into America's mainstream culture before they became enfranchised. The Dawes Act of 1887 was passed to help spur assimilation. It provided for the dissolution of Native American tribes as legal entities and the distribution of tribal lands among individual members (capped at 160 acres per head of family, 80 acres per adult single person) with remaining lands declared "surplus" and offered to non-Indian homesteaders. Among other things, it established Indian schools where Native American children were instructed in not only reading and writing, but also the social and domestic customs of white America.
The Dawes Act had a disastrous effect on many tribes, destroying traditional culture and society as well as causing the loss of as much as two-thirds of tribal land. The failure of the Dawes Act led to change in U.S. policy toward Native Americans. The drive to assimilate gave way to a more hands-off policy of allowing Native Americans the choice of either enfranchisement or self-government.