The answer to this question is "perimeter".
In computer science, the firewall is used to provide a network security system that manages network traffic like incoming and outgoing signals. This traffics is based on predetermined security rules. The firewall typically installs a boundary between a trusted inner network and an untrusted outer network, such as the Internet. It is a software concept and Perimeter firewalls manage the flow of network traffic and host or organization's border the boundary that provides the first line of security against outer attacks and blocking access to inappropriate content from inside an organization.
mouse , desktop, printer, Cpu
The answer is "selective exposure".
It is a theory in psychology, that is sometimes used in marketing and advertising studies. It traditionally applies to the propensity of people to prefer evidence, that enhances existing previous views while ignoring conflicting information.
These types of approaches are occurring, when the people pursue knowledge and consistently express desires for solutions, that are associated with their beliefs, rather than incompatible.
This is actually a question?? Lol anywayyyy can I get ?