A fraction is a short way to write a division problem. When you see a fraction, it means "the top number divided by the bottom number".
When you actually DO the division, the answer is the decimal that's equal to the fraction.
Step-by-step explanation:
7-(-4) is 11. You must make the subtraction symbol in the middle to addition, since you have 2 negatives. Two negatives = postive. So after you do that it would be 7+4=11
Hope this helped!
Your answer would be b i'm pretty sure
Jake is incorrect with his methodology for solving these problems
Step-by-step explanation:
Jake is incorrect with his methodology for solving these problems. This is because dividing a number by 10 requires moving the decimal point one digit to the left. When dividing 630 by 10, removing the zero works because by moving the decimal one digit to the left we would simply drop the zero and the decimal would not be needed leaving the answer as 63. However, this does not work on numbers that already have a decimal such as 35.270. This number divided by 10 would be 3.527 but simply removing the 0 like Jake states would give us the incorrect answer of 35.27