Roots are to collect water and leafs are to collect sunlight I’m pretty sure and the stem is to take water to the leafs I think
Research studies suggest that a high-fiber diet protects against colon cancer. This is because high fibrous food increases the bulk in the digestive tract to pass easily through the intestinal tract to shorten the time of passage. This short time of passage of food reduces the interaction of carcinogens present in the food with the intestinal tract. The fibers are broken down in butyrate by the bacteria present in the lower intestine. This butyrate inhibits the growth of tumors of colon and rectum,
Spring tides occur when the sun, moon and earth are lined up, and it causes high and low tides to be much higher (moon is full/new). Neap tides occur when the sun, moon, and earth form a right angle this causes regular high and low tides to be much lower (first quarter and last quarter moon). The moons gravity and suns gravity pull the earths crust and ocean water.
If there aren't leaves there is no photosynthesis. Photosynthesis makes food. Leaves has clorplasts in them which make food from light and Co2
There is no salt
you can drink it