Well they use Yen. So 1 dollar here would be about 100 yen there. <span>113.48 to be exact </span><span />
Kfbemsifneid dieneiene is due eissjeneiee
It says "I love you." It is missing any pronouns, and in that case this sentence just says "Love", however since korean is mainly a context based language, "I love you" is still the correct translation.
Whom is meant to be used as the object of a verb or preposition. Differently, Whom is used as a subject. Since the subject of the phrase is We, Who is the object of the verb, therefore it should actually be used as Whom.
Refere-se a cartomante.
Esse é um conto escrito por Machado de Asis, onde ele se refere a cartomante como uma mulher de quarenta anos e que que tinha uma aparencia peculiar. Ela era muito magra, apresentava trasos italianos e tinha olhos hipnotizantes agudos, porém com aparencia de sonsos e inofensivos.