The North was an industrial economy by 1860 and the South continued to be an agricultural economy producing cotton, tobacco, sugar and other things. The southern economy relied heavily on slave labor, which was not the case of the North.
In the decades previous to the Civil War (1861-1865), the different administrations imposed high tariffs to foreign products to protect the American- made northern products. This meant that northern products had usually a high price southerners had to pay for; this originated many claims of a preferential treatment which was damaging for the South and disatisfaction.
And of course, there were the rising tensions over the issue of slavery and whether new states should join the Union as free or slavery states.
Honey Hollow Watershed Conservation Area was the first small upland watershed in agricultural use to demonstrate that soil, water, and wildlife conservation and flood prevention could be achieved through cooperative local action.
The French Revolution went on for
many bloody years due to political radicalism. The radicalism actually originated
from several parties with different views; some wanted a British style
constitutionalism while others are opposed to the revolution. Among these
parties is the far right Jacobin Club led by Maximilien Robespierre. Amidst the
chaos of subjecting the King to trial, forming the constitution, threat of war
with Austria. The nation was threatened of war by Austria and Prussia if the
king is harmed, which made the king look like a conspirator. Threats of war
made prices rise, and so the poor and the working poor sided with the most
radical party, the Jacobins. The king was executed, and the Jacobins went into
overdrive in eradicating anything that is counter-revolutionary.