had gradually been solidifying into separate entities. When in June 1948 the Western authorities issued a new western deutsche mark, the U.S.S.R. retaliated by imposing a land blockade on Berlin, which was jointly administered by the four occupation powers but was physically an enclave within the Soviet zone. The West…
Your answers would be A and E, since E-commerce describes the purchasing of services such as wifi, as well as products. The internet also influences business through telecommuting, since those who do it are able to work at home through their technology.
It was significant because at the
time we were divide between a strong national government or a nation of states whom ran themselves
During the Industrial Revolution, the US underwent a technological advancement and a remake of how the economy worked. One of these technological advancement was the assembly line, which helped speed up production, as well as create "specialized" jobs (jobs in which a worker specializes in a part of the creation, such as creation of the engine and only the engine for a car, for example, in case you are wondering - remove the parenthesis and content inside). These changes in how factories worked helped with the mass exodus of the population from the rural areas to cities for higher pays, which helped with the population boom, and the soon to be restructuring of how cities worked and the services they provided. Without the Industrial Revolution, the US would not be the economically (& later miliatry) giant that she is right now.