The KT boundary marks a mass extinction event. the KT boundary is the time between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. An asteroid hit the earth at the end of the Cretaceous and that caused the end of the Cretaceous period. Before the KT boundary, pollen from angiosperms and gymnosperms is high. After the meteor hits the earth, a mass extinction occurs and the amount of pollen from gymnosperms and angiosperms decreases dramatically, while the amount of spores from ferns increases. During the Cretaceous period there were many species of gymnosperms and angiosperms but they disappeared at the KT boundary, when the asteroid hit the earth.
Pollination stage is when plant modify the environment just saying I am a 6th grader so like I am not that smart so it might be very wrong
Trophic level
All living organisms require energy for their life processes, which they obtain by taken in food. In an ecosystem, this food is derived when organisms feed on each other. This process that eventually leads to a flow of energy within organisms is called FOOD CHAIN.
A food chain or food web always begins with a unique set of organisms called PRODUCERS. Producers are autotrophs capable of harvesting light energy from the sun and use it to produce their food (chemical) in a process called PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Other organisms called HETEROTROPHS feed on these producers to derive energy. In ecology, they are called CONSUMERS. Other consumers feed on the previous ones also to get energy.
Hence, each step of the food chain is occupied by organisms that obtain and store energy by feeding on another organism. This step is called TROPHIC LEVEL.
In a nutshell, a PRODUCER (usually plants) starts the food chain/web due to its photosynthetic ability. This producer gets eaten by an organism called CONSUMER and in the process, the energy and nutrient stored in the producers flows to the consumer. Another consumers feeds on the previous one and the energy keeps flowing. Each step of the food chain occupied by an organism that stores and transfers this energy is called TROPHIC LEVEL.
The Sun is a major source of energy for most ecosystems and organisms.
Lunar Tides: the moon's gravitational pull on the Earth is strongest at this time, because it is closest, causing especially high and low tides.
Solar Tides: the sun's gravitational pull on the Earth is strongest at this time, causing especially high and low tides (although it's not as powerful as lunar tides).
Spring Tides: named for when the tides "spring" forward during New and Full Moon's, because of how strong/weak the moon's gravitational pull is.
Neap Tides: the tides are especially mediocre at this time, because the sun and moon are at a right angle and pulling in opposite directions.
Spring and Neap Tides occur twice every moon cycle, which lasts 28 days, so every two weeks.