The complementary strand on the RNA would be, U-G-G-C-U-C-G-A-A.
Answer: False
Some organisms have an advantage with some traits, but they could be a disadvantage in other situations.
B. The nervous system collects and responds to information about the external and internal environment.
The answer is “Trypanosoma”. The word “Trypanosoma” comes
from the Greek words trypanon and soma, which means auger and body, or auger
body. A Trypanosoma moves through an undulating membrane connected to a
flagellum. Trypanosoma comes from a genus of kinetoplastids, it is known to be
a monophyletic cluster of single-celled parasitic flagellate protozoa.
La reproducción de una planta es cuando una flor (o cualquier planta) tiene una semilla, o algo similar, y la semilla se reproduce en esa misma planta.