Es chiquito porque no puede ser grande
Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.
Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.
Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.
Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.
Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.
Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to
ow you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules
1. El brazo de Julio le duele mucho. El médico dice que el brazo está roto.
This mean: Julio's arm hurts a lot. The doctor says that the arm is broken.
2. Match the following with the most logical answers.
Los Rayos x (X-rays)
El tecnólogo (The technologist).
El paciente (The patient).
Las muletas (The crutches).
Le duele (It hurts)
Grave (Serious)
Enfermo (Sick).
El molde (Mold).
El hospital (Hospital).
La sala de cirugía (The surgery room).
1. Hay muchas personas enfermas o heridas en el hospital (There are many sick or injured people in the hospital).
2. Las muletas ayudan a las personas a andar (Crutches help people to walk).
3. Toman rayos X en la sala de radiografía (They take x-rays in the x-ray room).
4. Si el paciente está muy grave, entra en la sala de cirugìa (If the patient is very serious, enter the surgery room).
5. Si tienes un hueso roto, te ponen el molde (If you have a broken bone, they put the mold on you).
6. Paco tiene un hueso roto y le duele mucho (Paco has a broken bone and it hurts a lot).
7. Cuando alguien está herido a causa de un accidente grave, él llega en una ambulancia (When someone is injured due to a serious accident, he arrives in an ambulance).
8. Cuando el paciente está enfermo, el médico receta las pastillas (When the patient is ill, the doctor prescribes the pills).
9. El tecnólogo toma el rayo X (The technologist takes the X ray).
10. La persona que necesita ayuda del médico es el paciente (<span>The person who needs help from the doctor is the patient)</span>.
I hope this information can help you.
1- it a <span>science class graduation.
2- </span>Mrs. Santay i<span>s a very interesting and smart person.
3- I can't answer this one; it doesn't say
4- The author is showing </span>problems and some pollution solutions.
5- the creation of toys.
6- fairly well
1. la droga
2. descafeinado
3. engordar
4. apurarse
5. la grasa
6. disfrutar
You must say wich doesn´t belong to the group.
1. the group is about food's properties
2. the group is about good qualities maybe in relation with do excercise.
3. the group is about do excercise.
4. the group is about bad habits.
5. the group is about diseases
6. the group is about fitness.