As foreigners have know that Spaniards are hard working people and people often or a lot of time label them as hard working too
1. Yo no tengo X hijos
2. Pensaron visitar A Leonor en Guatemala
3. Siempre leemos X varios libros durante el verano
4. ¿No viste A nadie en el centro comercial?
5. Buscaron A una secretaria de tiempo parcial
6. Visitaremos los monumentos de nuestra capital
7. Los niños no escucharon A su madre
8. ¿Por que esperaste A un taxi por media hora?
9. Mirábamos A la jovencita
Today to become our fathers of trip, why is important that everyone (1 (knowing that we are going to clean the House)
In order for me to help you with this one you'll have to write down the answer so I can translate it