Para escribir una epopeya debemos incluir un personaje heroico y una historia sobrenatural.
<h3>¿Qué es una epopeya?</h3>
Epopeya es un término que se refiere a un poema narrativo que generalmente trata sobre hazañas realizadas por héroes con características sobrenaturales.
<h3>¿Cómo escribir una epopeya?</h3>
Para escribir una epopeya debemos imaginarnos una historia que incluya las características mencionadas anteriormente, un ejemplo podría ser:
- El héroe sobrevivió al ataque de los cíclopes y logró llegar a su casa sano y salvo, pero prepararía su venganza...
Aprenda más sobre narración en:
Where did you live as a child? Minnesota
How were you when you were a little girl? I was pretty good, except for when I would lie or be disobedient. I was a little lying beast. That sounds really bad, I know, but I was good for the most part. I helped my mom clean, cook, and so on.
What were you doing during the summer when you were a girl? Nothing absolutely nothing. Just stay home and do nothing. Sometimes I would have my friends come over but that rarely happened. Just clean, cook, sleep, eat, and play. That's all.
I hope this is what you were looking for. Something personally answered. I'm sorry if this isn't what you were looking for.
The yo-go word should be leave
Me gusta la animal.
You're saying gusta, which is feminine, it makes more sense to say la animal instead of "Me gusta el animal".